Homecoming 2022: A Netflix Original

Hoco ‘22 was a homecoming to remember for KVHS. After three years of Covid, online learning, and masks, going back to school and having a normal homecoming was bound to be rough. That being said, it was executed flawlessly. Our homecoming King and Queen were Annelyse Alten and Derrick Hinkey. Something that needs to be talked about were this year’s homecoming parade floats. Freshmen went all out with their “Stranger Things” themed float, even including a portal to fit with their scene. Seniors managed to borrow a whole boat, fitting for their float theme, “Outer Banks”. Juniors did a great job on their float’s rendition of “The Office”. The cherry on top of all the floats was the sophomore’s take on the show “Squid Game”. Their float had a little bit of a basic but very accurate backdrop with two dead characters from the show laying on some straw. The star of the float however, was sophomore Brandon Cox playing a doll from the show. Fully dressed out in a dress and wig, in full view of the crowd, Brandon spiced things up, showing off his unique dance moves.

After all festivities had been completed, the football team made it onto the field and with true KV spirit, managed to score a
touchdown within a minute of the game starting. Ending with a final score of 28-14 in our favor, and lots of good memories, I believe that this year’s homecoming will be one that sticks with us forever.